
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jonathan Kozol Fasts Against NCLB

Legendary author and child advocate, Jonathan Kozol, explains to The Huffington Post why he is fasting over No Child Left Behind.

This morning, I am entering the 67th day of a partial fast that I began early in the summer as my personal act of protest at the vicious damage being done to inner-city children by the federal education law No Child Left Behind, a racially punitive piece of legislation that Congress will either renew, abolish, or, as thousands of teachers pray, radically revise in the weeks immediately ahead...

...The only member of the Democratic leadership I have been unable to get through to is the influential chairman of the education panel, Senator Ted Kennedy, who, one of his colleagues told me flatly, will ultimately "call the shots" on this decision. I've asked the senator three times if he'll talk with me. Each time, I have run into a cold stone wall. This has disappointed me, and startled me, because the senator has been a friend to me in years gone by and has asked for my ideas on education on a number of occasions in the decades since I was a youthful teacher and he was a youthful politician.

Read Kozol's open letter: Why I am Fasting: An Explanation to My Friends

You may also read my two interviews with Mr. Kozol at:

Jonathan Kozol Takes on the World (January 2006)
Jonathan Kozol Speaks Out (September 2000)

Isn't it time that we all spoke out?

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